Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chronicles of Hairul, Withdrawal

Right  now at 7.50pm 17/8/2013, a couple of relative from who knows where came. And my only problem is that i am so alienated from them because

1) I do not know them

2) i don't speak proper malay nor fluent at it

3) Alienism is me


A few things you should know is that i am estranged with the malay side of me because i never did hang out with malay peeps nor do i like malay culture. i'm more of gadget fanatic which i don't really speak malay nor hang out. When i was younger than i am currently am(Let say about primary level) i was always estranged with my malay relative because they always thought i'm a chinese which pisses me off because i always tried to get in with malay side but because of how i was treated i have developed social withdrawal symptoms especially when there's a person speaking malay or have any tinge of Malay culture in them. When i say culture i mean the current singaporean/malaysian malay culture which has evolved into some degraded form of malay/western culture or a hybrid of both (In my opinion of course)

Right now everyone is an alien to me...HAAHAHA BECAUSE ITS ALIENATION!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Chronicles of Hairul, Drama Mama The Beginning

Where do i start....Last where i stop was the month of April. Today's date is 16 august 2013 i am typing this as of 10.08pm. 1st issue i wish to rage about in this particular blog of mine is What'sapp. For those of you who do not know, What'sApp is an application which allows you to message in a "MSN Messenger" manner through a mobile layout using the Mobile Internet as its medium.Now the issue i wish to bring up is that of a social etiquette. PLEASE REPLY YOUR DAMN MESSAGE!!!!(This applies to SMS too) . Only a few people actually do reply me. Maybe you're busy or what but please try to reply to me or else what'sapp is like my version of an Annoying Orange. IT HAS NO PURPOSE WHEN NO ONE REPLIES ON THE GROUP NOR DO ANYTHING EXCEPT TO ANNOY YOU! I SWEAR I WILL BREAK THE WHAT'SAPP COMPANY IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO.

Second issue: Parents. Yes Yes. This is issue that i have never been able to solve and currently at a point where i just wish to give up. In the past, i said i had given up but somewhere in my heart i wish for them to understand me but no, Either they or me refuses to understand each other. Now i have really really reach a point where i'm just going to say hi/i love you/bye. Currently my parents do not know of the life that i am leading because i refuse to share it with them. Do you know why? because they don't really remember my friends nor do they bother to..Which makes it pointless on my part to even bother them on such matters. Right now they are busy with their own problems and refuses to share it with me, their only son. =( which makes me even more sad because i wish to know how their life is but no, they don't wish for such things.
So i can only conclude at the end of this ranting is that "Don't bother". However their mistakes are one i wish to not repeat with my child if i ever have one so i shall type this list in the hopes that i don't repeat their mistakes.

List of things  to do with Child:

1) Speak with them.Show them you're concerned. Don't make them think that only the parents life are important
2) Religion is as important as children. Answer them in a way that they will understand. Don't make it so confusing like what your own parents did.
3) Do not prevent them from trying new things however if they are about to do a stupid thing or already done it. Advise them/Talk to them
4)As a parent, be strict and kind at the same time. reward them and punish them for things they did.
5)Tell them your experience as a teenage for this is the most important time of their life.
6) Share your life experiences be it good or bad. Each life experience have a lesson in them therefore as a parent, you must learnt from it not ignore it and treat it as a bad memory.
7) As detach as you are from your own parents, do tell them the bad things grandparents have done but this is done so that you can tell them what you want to learn as a parent alongside your children/child.
8)Engage your child in conversation. Show them that they are as important as God.
9) Be one with religion

There are many other issues but..i will continue them in the next post..Chao!